Saturday, September 26, 2009

The perfect hat

How does one milliner compete with an army of practical, affordable factory made hats? Some days all I want to make are over the top impractical beauties with way too many feathers. I find myself working on my three sectioned crown today. I love it's simplicity. Practical and understated design is always refreshing.  I am not quite finished with those jewel toned wools, though. 

Friday, September 25, 2009

I love hats

I've been working on a new design all week, a classic beret. I struggled with the idea because berets tend to be a fad. One minute in, the next out. I wasn't sure how I would feel about the hats once I completed the pattern. Thank heavens I didn't just scrap the idea because I am truely in love with my berets.  Gorgeous jewel toned wools with understated feather and button trimming, they are sure to be a crowd pleaser for fall.  Only time will tell if these new beauties catch on...

Sunday, September 20, 2009


Testing.  Am I ever going to be able to keep up with all of this cyber communication?!