Saturday, September 26, 2009

The perfect hat

How does one milliner compete with an army of practical, affordable factory made hats? Some days all I want to make are over the top impractical beauties with way too many feathers. I find myself working on my three sectioned crown today. I love it's simplicity. Practical and understated design is always refreshing.  I am not quite finished with those jewel toned wools, though. 

1 comment:

  1. I have the hat that you made 6 years ago and it is the best hat I have ever owned. I don't buy them anymore from the store because they just fall apart. I now would like an additional one so that I may trade them out occassionally....The forties style tan and cream one is calling my name....hehehe.. That is how you compete, quality work and amazing designs...Testimonials don't hurt either.
